Ayesha Curry posted a photo of herself in a two-piece swimsuit Saturday, and it brought out the worst in social media. Curry tagged her husband, Warriors star Stephen Curry, in the photo with the caption, "Took me long enough." She's likely referring to her weight loss following the birth of three children. Feeling confident in herself, she posted a pair of photos in a two-piece swimsuit. While she mostly received praise on the post with comments like, "Dang girl! That body gave birth to three kids?" and "All in perfect time. You look amazing! Hard work pays off," some people decided to bring criticism. The complaints mostly came from Twitter where users referred to previous comments made by Curry. In 2015, Ayesha Curry tweeted some thoughts that sent Twitter into a frenzy. She commented on how "everyone's into barely wearing clothes these days." Steph Curry responded later with a post of his wife saying, "My woman ... #TheInstagator." Some people on Twitter felt as if Ayesha Curry's 2015 comments were hypocritical of her wearing posting a photo of herself wearing a two-piece swimsuit. Essentially, her photo sparked the debate her 2015 tweets all over again. website: https://www.girlwives.com/ https://www.facebook.com/playerwife/ blog: https://playerwife.blogspot.com/ chanel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYfoJX0pGSwCzkk-2xFS1vw
Ayesha Curry criticized as a hypocrite after she posts photo of herself
Written By Tinhay360 on Sunday, May 24, 2020 | 9:10 PM
Ayesha Curry posted a photo of herself in a two-piece swimsuit Saturday, and it brought out the worst in social media. Curry tagged her husband, Warriors star Stephen Curry, in the photo with the caption, "Took me long enough." She's likely referring to her weight loss following the birth of three children. Feeling confident in herself, she posted a pair of photos in a two-piece swimsuit. While she mostly received praise on the post with comments like, "Dang girl! That body gave birth to three kids?" and "All in perfect time. You look amazing! Hard work pays off," some people decided to bring criticism. The complaints mostly came from Twitter where users referred to previous comments made by Curry. In 2015, Ayesha Curry tweeted some thoughts that sent Twitter into a frenzy. She commented on how "everyone's into barely wearing clothes these days." Steph Curry responded later with a post of his wife saying, "My woman ... #TheInstagator." Some people on Twitter felt as if Ayesha Curry's 2015 comments were hypocritical of her wearing posting a photo of herself wearing a two-piece swimsuit. Essentially, her photo sparked the debate her 2015 tweets all over again. website: https://www.girlwives.com/ https://www.facebook.com/playerwife/ blog: https://playerwife.blogspot.com/ chanel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYfoJX0pGSwCzkk-2xFS1vw
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